Life, of late, has been a proverbial roller coaster ride. Events with family and friends have had high highs and the lowest of lows. I would never pay money to get on the Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland and I don't like these emotional roller coasters either. Faith in God is the only lifeline here.
The uphill has its own peculiar struggle. This is the outward living with extraordinary trials on a day to day basis. There can be a tough slog to the top of the crest. I can hear the gears grinding and it's oh-so-slow at times. I look over the edge of the car and only see catastrophe looming, should I deviate even one millimetre from the track. I hold tight waiting for the next event and wonder if things will ever change. It's at this time I focus on Jesus and His Word, and look neither to the left or right. I find comfort and resolve in His face.
Then all of a sudden, there's a breakthrough - the radical change. For a few brief seconds, there's a level area. I take a moment and breathe in fresh air. There's a momentary rest. It's here I find time to build up my strength, to enjoy the Lord's company, just sitting on His lap.
But life goes on. There's the downslope ride. It can be easier than moving up the hill, but I still need to brace myself as I go. If I don't hold tight to the Lord, will I be able to make it unscathed to the bottom?
The worst part of this roller coaster life-ride are the unexpected turns, when I am jerked from one direction to another unexpectedly. It feels like I'm going to be flung over the edge into the abyss. I'm minding my own business, moving along and all of a sudden there's a phone call or email that changes everything. I learn, often the hard way, not to hold on tightly to my personal agenda. I need to drop everything and focus on another's need, another's plan. These are times of sacrifice and holding tightly to the Lord's hand.
This is the stuff of life. High highs. Low lows. And that easy part in between. The trick is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and find His peace always.
Hebrews 12:1-2 says " ...since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith..."
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