There are those days
when a throng of thoughts niggle away at a heart,
lists of lists
when no solutions are easy and rest seems remote
And there are those days when peace surrounds and lifts
when calm breaks forth on a biting sea
and life touches down
How to reach that peace during times
When minutes streak like fireworks
when time flashes instead of passes
Only the Prince of Peace can calm the soul significantly -
Only the Good Shepherd can hold me in his arms
and rock away the driven ness
Today the choice is made
His eyes behold me,
His arms encircle me...
It is well with my soul.
To be in that place of peace and rest, every moment of my life - it is the deepest longing of my heart. The distractions of life draw me away, and I am unsettled, unhappy and miserable. Yet, I am comforted in knowing that Abba waits with arms wide open, to receive me once again from my wanderings, and to pour out His lavish Love on me - and I am satified, at peace and resting in His arms. Evelyn